Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Faith To Walk on Water

Lord, had I attempted walking
‘mid the wind so boisterous blow.
Could I stay atop the water?
Could I have the faith to know

That when you bid some task, though daunting
It is I who must decide
Will I step off the boat and walk to you
To be right by your side?

Oft times I look, as Peter did
To the challenges below.
I dwell on temporal tasks
And so dwelling, downward go.

You’ve caught me when I’ve sunk, dear Lord.
Your strength, it filled my need.
You spoke to me of how you’ve planted
Within me a divine seed.

So next time you bid me come
I’ll weigh not the concerns.
I’ll try to put my hand in thine.

With you I’ll walk on water.

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