Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Faith To Walk on Water

Lord, had I attempted walking
‘mid the wind so boisterous blow.
Could I stay atop the water?
Could I have the faith to know

That when you bid some task, though daunting
It is I who must decide
Will I step off the boat and walk to you
To be right by your side?

Oft times I look, as Peter did
To the challenges below.
I dwell on temporal tasks
And so dwelling, downward go.

You’ve caught me when I’ve sunk, dear Lord.
Your strength, it filled my need.
You spoke to me of how you’ve planted
Within me a divine seed.

So next time you bid me come
I’ll weigh not the concerns.
I’ll try to put my hand in thine.

With you I’ll walk on water.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A True Thing.

I had an experience while at home with my family that made me think of a past memory, and then another, and another. I love it when something happens and there's a familiarity in it that triggers how you felt or your thought process from a completely different time and place.
I have taken classes that compare and study similarities in cultures across the globe that do not influence each other and yet all share the same components. For example, all cultures have a form of belief system and expression in music. Things found common in all cultures are considered a universal need or a universal truth. It makes me think of our own personal experiences, where given different times, places, and people, some things are always consistent. They are my own personal truths; the universal moi, me, truths. Okay, that's just trying to be politically correct, I can't help it but I consider truths to my own experiences to ring true for everyone. You don't have to tell me if they don't.
I told my four year old son to get undressed because it was time to get his pajamas on. I went back to the bathroom to help my buddy ol'husband finish cutting his hair. All of a sudden we heard hysterical laughter and running up and down the hallway. My Mr. Spouse said, 'What is he doing?' Even with the visual barrier of the door, I didn't have to see to know what he was doing. I said, 'Oh, he must be naked now. That was fast.' He thinks it's hilarious to be naked. Just to confirm my suspicion(like there was any doubt), I opened the door and sure enough with a face expressing all things happy and joyful he was running around in the nude. I knew the laugh. I knew the run.
It was at that moment that other experiences came into my mind. I had felt the same thing I had just felt and thought, but before, with a roommate back at university. This particular one was the one everyone was scared of when she had a bad day. When I was upstairs, I could tell by the way she opened and closed the door, and hearing the type of footsteps she made if we were in for Ms. Hyde or just the unviolent alternative. I knew her so well, I could tell without seeing her face, without asking her. Completely different scenario but it flashed in my mind when I knew without a doubt what my son was doing without asking or seeing.
The truth of relationships where you know someone well, enough to have the details, is you know how they feel, how their day was, or what they are doing without being face to face. It's a beautiful thing about the people you are involved with when you can hear someone's signs and already know. It's comforting there are people you know almost as well as yourself and people who grasp you just as well. I love those memories that flash back when you feel an emotion that you felt before. The familiarity makes it endearing. That is where you give the silent smiles when alone or when you seemingly laugh at nothing in a room full of people, or even roll your eyes. I like those moments.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Seven Years

Ten virgins
Standing, all in a row
Five and five and all aglow.
A number of gifts to offer the groom
A number of lamps to light the room

As often is true,
The worth of a soul
Was a thing to be sold
For a number of things
But nothing like gold
Or rubies and such,
Perhaps a little pyrite.
With no sign of a fight
And the night
Was so dark.

Speaking of numbers,
Three years ago,
Or three years and some
I bore little warrior
Number one.
And the last shall be first,
And the first shall be last,
And it may not make sense to actuarial math

But actually,

7 years later,
The price of a ruby
Has nothing on me.